I finally had a little time last week to do something creative so used that time to make my Mom a little Mother's day card and gift. I tell you, those IKEA frames come in handy and make a great gift. I found this paper awhile back and knew it would be perfect for my Mom's card. Her living room and kitchen are decorated with an oriental theme in red and black.
The boys said "Lomi is going to Love it!" and she did! That is a great feeling when you can give someone something that touches their heart. My Mom is the best. She has always been there for me and given me an amazing example as a mother and woman.
I want to say...Thanks Mom for everything. Just this week I received a little pick me up in the mail from her...Sonic gift card and a little reminder about God's plans for me! She knows just from my voice on our phone calls when things are a little stressed and boy are they right now. Most of you don't know that the store I work for will be closing the end of the month. I have a fun and creative job with an awesome Boss. She is always so flexible with me on working around Brent's work schedule and the boys schedules. I don't know what I am going to do, but I do know it will all work out. Anyway, Mom's little bit of cheer was just what I needed!
Send me happy thoughts and prayers that I will receive the right job for my needs!
Have a HAPPY day