Sunday, October 12, 2008

Red Oak Band

Friday night Keyton played during half time at the Red Oak High School game. The High school played first, Jr. High played second and then the 6th grade. The last picture is part of all three bands. I thought they did a great job. You can see Keyton. He is in the back of most of the pictures. In the third picture, count over 3 people from the left and he is in the very back. Also had to get a picture of the football team. They finally won in overtime by a touchdown. Last year RO went to the playoffs, this year is a whole other story. Our quarterback is awful (I feel sorry for his parents in the stands). I think we have only won 3 games.

Brent asked him if he just moved the lever thing (don't know what it is called, but he plays the trombone) back and forth and didn't blow! Keyto said no he actually played. Brent was told when he was in band to just sit and pretend he was playing!LOL! Keyto certainly doesn't get his musical ability from Brent and I. I think I was in band for about 3 days and never could play Mary had a Little Lamb on just the end of the flute. That's when I switched to tennis!

I have lots of pics of the weekend to show, so will do them in 3 different posts.


1 comment:

Pam Sivage said...

Good for you Keyton!It is always good to be able to play some instrument! Bet it was scary and fun at the same time to play at the football game!