Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Banquet Hopper

I've been calling Brandan my Banquet Hopper, you know like a bar hopper, only he has made the banquet rounds with his very good friend Samantha.
This is the first banquet...her Softball Banquet.
He then asked her to his Baseball Banquet.
Then she asked him to her Golf Banquet (she is quite the athlete).
Don't they look great!?! And look how well they match!
Baseball pics to follow :)
Hugs, K

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Tonight we played our 1st playoff game and WON!
Tomorrow we play again at Home!
Our pitcher tonight is a Senior and he ROCKED!
All the boys played great.
Our third baseman is also a Sophomore like B and he made some AWESOME defensive plays!
Our Centerfielder is a Senior who caught some amazing fly balls that looked impossible!

This is our NEW athletic bus!
Don't ya love it??
The boys love it. Tonight was the first night anybody rode on it.
The seats are maroon and the bus is AIR CONDITIONED!
Don't tell the boys, but I think it has a VINTAGE look! (Wink)
Well, I'm off to make signs for tomorrow night.
Hugs, K

Monday, May 3, 2010

Keyto's 13!

We celebrated Keyto's 13th Birthday with a Paintball Party!
Brent was evidently the target and was the only one with NO experience!
He was the first one shot (and numerous times)!
The above is the walk to the field.
Below is the walk out, don't they look mean and green!!!

It was a great day to be outside.
These pics are foggy looking due to the nets surrounding the battlefields.
Keyto is in the grey sweatshirt and that's his Rambo friend Shane who was fully equipped with his own gun and 4 canisters of paint around his waist! He's obviously not a novice.

And there's Brent! Unfortunately I didn't get the picture of him trying to crawl on his belly, which he later decided wasn't a very good idea!

What a Motley lookin crew!

It was a really great day!
After Paintball we took Keyto to Chilis and a couple of B's baseball buddies joined us.
Even Tuck had to get in on the action. He's decided he wants to have his party there next year!
Hugs, K