Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sick Day

Tuck isn't feeling well today (lucky for Dudley-he loves Tuck's blanket), for the 2nd day. A little stomach bug I guess. Brent was home with him yesterday and I got to stay home with him today. We have played UNO, read books, watched a movie and I made MY BOYS a Chocolate Cake!! Home is my element (bliss)!
I think he is feeling better. He won't be going to practice tonight, but we are going to run up to the new Sports complex for the Grand Opening of the High School's new Baseball and Softball fields and Tennis Courts to take some pictures. The fields are really nice and very badly needed. Then Keyto has basketball practice. Key and Tuck both start their basketball tournaments on Sat. Only 3 more weekends of basketball.
Will post pics of fields later hopefully, if not tomorrow.
Have a nice evening.

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